three Mongolian yurts in the shadow of hundred-year-old ash trees with a view on a Loire's arm

with a real comfort which reminds the interior of Mongolian tent, the warmth of the material, the coloured furnitures with typical drawings, with a pastoral surrounding  giving rise to travel dreams; the river proximity and the serenity which it produces, guarantees you a change of scene in this peaceful haven.

shimmering colours - navy blue, electric blue, red -, the wood heat, the yurts' curves, the converted interior, everything is geared to have a  moment of happiness,

a room is at your disposition with a kitchenette and dishes

non-binding photos:

  • l'Altaï.intérieurl'Altaï.intérieur
  • yourtes_3yourtes_3
  • toilettes_sechestoilettes_seches
  • l'Altaïl'Altaï
  • yourtes_2yourtes_2
  • yaks2yaks2
  • yourtesyourtes
  • les Yaksles Yaks
  • altaialtai
  • l'Horgol'Horgo
  • vue_touevue_toue
  • Les_YaksLes_Yaks
  • l'Horgo.intérieur1l'Horgo.intérieur1
  • lesYaks intérieurlesYaks intérieur